Am achizitionat si eu de la colegul Daniel un set de amortizoare Bilstein B4 si duze stropitori de logan 2,foarte multumit de acestea si de promptitudinea lui Daniel. Nota 10 ! Multumesc.
[Vand] Consumabile si piese noi
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Hector2 momentan nu mai am rulmenti fata originali, am doar pe FAG care sunt la fel de buni ca si cei de origine si sunt in urmatoarele variante, si mai am o varianta pentru cei care vor sa puna mai ieftin dar si ceva mai calitativ pe producator MAPCO.
- rulment roata fata FAG (fara ABS) ---------105 ron/buc
- set rulmenti roata fata FAG (fara ABS)------160 ron/set (2 buc)
- rulment roata fata MAPCO (fara ABS)--------70 ron/buc
- rulment roata spate MAPCO-----------------60 ron/buc
Schaeffler has been driving forward groundbreaking inventions and developments in the field of motion tech-nology for over 75 years. Read more.
Anunt valabil in continuare, citeva repere noi:
- maneta stergatoare cu buton Cb la------------- 60 ron/buc
- bloc lumini cu proiector model Valeo------------ 120 ron
- bucsi bascule de origine ------------------------ 25 ron/buc
- bujii Equiem cu 2 craci-------------------------- 60 ron/set
- bujii Equiem cu 1 crac---------------------------50 ron/set
- termostat (producator) LG diesel--------------- 115 ron
- cap bara Lemforder ----------------------------- 90 ron/buc
- bieleta directie Lemforder------------------------ 90 ron/buc
- cap bara de origine------------------------------ 90 ron/buc
- bielete directie de origine------------------------ 80 ron/buc
- cap bara RTS------------------------------------50 ron/buc
- bielete directie RTS-------------------------------50 ron/buc
- termostat benzina------------------------------- 35 ron
- pivoti (LEMFORDER)------------------------------ 35 ron
- bascula de origine------------------------------- 110 ron
- set saboti (ATE)-------------------------------- 135 ron
- nuca schimbator Prestige plastic------- ---------- 35 ron
- nuca schimbator Prestige piele--------------------65 ron
- bucsi bara stabilizatore mijloc -------------------- 20 ron/buc
- bielete antiruliu de origine ------------------------ 25 ron/buc
- rulment roata fata FAG (fara ABS) ----------------105 ron/buc
- set rulmenti roata fata FAG (fara ABS)-------------160 ron/set (2 buc)
- rulment roata fata MAPCO (fara ABS)---------------70 ron/buc
- rulment roata spate MAPCO------------------------60 ron/buc
- burduf planetara stanga Logan-------80 ron
- burduf schimbator viteze-------------35 ron
- mufe instalatie incalzire scaune-------10 ron/buc
- filtru ulei original Purflux benzina ------------------- 15 ron
- filtru ulei original Motorina ------------------------- 20 ron
- filtru aer benzina si motorina ----------------------- 25 ron
- filtru aer 16 valve --------------------------------- 25 ron
- filtru motorina EURO 3 ---------------------------- 115 ron
- filtru motorina EURO 4 ---------------------------- 125 ron
- filtru polen Valeo ---------------------------------- 25 ron
- filtru uleu Duster-----------------------------------35 ron
- oglinzi Prestige electrice ---------------------------270 ron/set
- proiectoare ceata Logan Ph1 Valeo ----------------- 70 ron/buc
- buton reglaj oglinzi electrice ------------------------35 ron
- buton deschidere usa -------------------------------10 ron
- amortizoare Monroe fata ----------------------------120 ro/buc
- amortizoare Monroe spate --------------------------105 ron/buc
- amortizoare Bilstein B4 fata -------------------------145 ron/buc
- amortizoare Bilstein B4 spate ------------------------125 ron/buc
- flanse amortizor originale -----------------------------35 ron/buc
- rulmenti amortizor SNR -------------------------------20 ron/buc
- bieleta antirasturnare --------------------------------70 ron
- bieleta antirasturnare VAN----------------------------80 ron
- carcasa cheie cu telecomanda ----------------------- 50 ron
- discuri frana VAN Brembo --------------------------- 135 ron/buc
- placute frana VAN Ferodo SL ------------------------125 ron/set
- discuri frana 259 pline Ferodo ------------------------175 ron/set
- discuri frana 259 ventilate Ferodo --------------------190 ron/set
- discuri frana 259 ventilate Brembo--------------------210 ron/set
- discuri fraba 259 ventilate Brembo Striate-------------185 ron/buc
- placute frana TRW ----------------------------------- 60 ron/set
- placute frana Ferodo FQT ----------------------------125 ron/set
- placute frana Ferodo Premier--------------------------95 ron/set
- cablu ambreiaj MPI-DCI -------------------------------45 ron
- cablu acceleratie MPI -------------------------------- 35 ron
- sonda servodirectie -----------------------------------50 ron
- sonda mers inapoi -------------------------------------35 ron
- plafoniera 3 becuri ------------------------------------35 ron
- plafoniera 1 bec ---------------------------------------30 ron
- contactor lumina pedala frana ------------------------- 20 ron
- spirala airbag volan ------------------------------------ 70 ron
- kit distributie MPI -------------------------------------175 ron
- pompa apa de origine MPI -----------------------------210 ron
- pompa apa HEPU pt benzina ---------------------------175 ron
- kit distributie DCI ------------------------------------- 315 ron
- pompa apa DCI ----------------------------------------210 ron
- kit ambreiaj SACHS 1.6 MPI ---------------------------- 390 ron/set
- kit ambreiaj Origine 1.4 MPI-----------------------------330 ron/set
- kit ambreiaj DCI producator LUK-------------------------350 ron
- rulment ambreiaj hidraulic Valeo-------------------------170 ron
- curele accesorii ---------------------------------------- 55 ron
- kit accesorii MPI model cu AC de origine -----------------240 ron
- kit accesorii DCI model cu AC de origine -----------------255 ron
- role ghidaj MPI/DCI------------------------------------- 35 ron
- spray luciu anvelope ------------------------------------25 ron
- autocolante stalpi Prestige ------------------------------35 ron/set
- aeratoare Prestige argintii -------------------------------65 ron/set
- aeratoare Duster cromate--------------------------------60 ron/set
- set tapiterie Black Line----------------------------------140 ron/set
- ulei motor, ELF, CASTROL, MOBIL, ARAL-------------------Intrebati
- set incalziri scaune complet cu carenaje-------------------200 ron
- tapiserie Black Line ( 4 tetiere)----------------------------140 ron
- duze stropitor tip perdea------------------------------------20 ron/set
- ARAL HIGH TRONIC 5W-40 4L-----------------110 ron
- ARAL HIGH TRONIC 5W-40 1L------------------30 ron
- CAS EDGE 5W-40/1 T.D. 5W40 -1L------------37 ron
- CAS EDGE 5W-40/4 T.D. 5W40 -4L------------135 ron
- CAS EDGE 5W-40/5 T.D. 5W40 -5L------------160 ron
- CAS EDGE 5W-40 B4 5W-40 B4/5-1L ----------44 ron
- CAS EDGE 5W-40 B4 5W-40 B4/5-4L ----------145 ron
- CAS EDGE 5W-40 B4 5W-40 B4/5-5L ----------165 ron
- CAS EDGE 5W-30 5W-30 -1L ----------------51 ron
- CAS EDGE 5W-30 5W-30 -4L ----------------190 ron
- CAS EDGE 5W-30 5W-30 -5L ----------------215 ron
- CAS MAGNATEC C3 5W-40 -1L ----------------35 ron
- CAS MAGNATEC C3 5W-40 -4L ----------------125 ron
- CAS MAGNATEC C3 - 5W-40 -5L ----------------140 ron
- CAS MAGNATEC DIESEL B4 5W-40 -1L-------------35 ron
- CAS MAGNATEC DIESEL B4 5W-40 -4L------------130 ron
- CAS MAGNATEC BENZINA 10W-40 -1L-------------30 ron
- CAS MAGNATEC BENZINA 10W-40 -4L-------------115 ron
- CAS MAGNATEC BENZINA 10W-40 -5L--------------130 ron
- CAS MAGNATEC DIESEL 10W-40 -1L---------------32 ron
- CAS MAGNATEC DIESEL 10W-40 -4L---------------120 ron
- CAS MAGNATEC DIESEL 10W-40 -5L---------------130 ron
- ELF EVOLUTION SXR 5W-40 -4L--------------------135 ron
- ELF EVOLUTION SXR 5W-40 -1L--------------------38 ron
- ELF COMPETITION ST 10W-40/4L------------------85 ron
- ELF COMPETITION ST 10W-40/1L------------------25 ron
- ELF TURBO DIESEL 10W-40/5L---------------------110 ron
- ELF TURBO DIESEL 10W-40/4L---------------------85 ron
- ELF TURBO DIESEL 10W-40/1L---------------------25 ron
- MOBIL SUPER 3000 5W-40/4L----------------------125 ron
- MOBIL SUPER 3000 5W-40/1L-----------------------35 ron
si multe pot aduce si piese pentru masini straine,
mentionez ca piesele sunt de origine.
evali_daniel este id-ul meu
0766.403.938 ValiAttached Files- compet.4.jpg (261.9 KB, 471 views)
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Dupa o intarziere de postare vin sa precizez si eu:
De la e_vali am achizitionat 4 amortizoare Bilstein b4 (2 fata 2 spate) 2 rulmenti si 2 flanse amortizor ,ulei motor castrol 5W40 ,filtru ulei ,filtru aer ,placute frana ferodo FQT aeratoare de cred ca si alte piese si am fost mereu foarte multumit!Preturi foarte ok si el foarte serios!
Recomand!Un om cand vorbeste cu Dumnezeu se numeste rugaciune;Dumnezeu cand vorbeste cu un om se numeste Schizofrenie