Vand RaceChip(+ 20 HP) Pentru DCI

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  • Vand RaceChip(+ 20 HP) Pentru DCI

    Vand powerbox Made in Germany,comandat de pe net,folosit.

    Este destinat motoarelor dCI

    Technical Data:

    Advanced Microprocessor Technology
    (ST-Microelectronics and Atmel Processors), as a result:
    Adaption of characteristic field in real time (25,000 times per second)
    Produced on a modern SMD-production line
    Operation with ambient temperatures of -30 up to +120 degree possible (tested weather-resistance)
    Lead-free and environment-friendly manufacture
    Strict quality control: before delivery, simulation of different driving situations (4 times)

    After installation of our products, you immediately feel 3 product features:

    increased power (up to 30 %)
    increase in torque (up to 20 %)
    fuel savings (up to 1.5 l / 100 km less)

    By means of our intelligent and digital functionality the performance reserves of your motor are reasonably used. Under the same driving conditions, the service life of your motor remains the same as under serial condition.

    Langjährige Erfahrung im Bereich Motor-Tunig
    High-tech production:

    We have been manufacturing chiptuning products for many years. Microprocessor technology experts and engineers in the field of motor vehicles work together closely.

    To emphasise our high quality standards, every RaceChip Chiptuning Set leaving our company is subjected to a comprehensive testing process. In so doing, all driving situations are simulated in order to ensure perfect safety and maximum driving pleasure.
    Extremely resilient:

    Shock-proof parts! It is important to us that also our subsuppliers have to meet our high quality level. We only co-operate with TÜV (MOT) certified subsuppliers manufacturing according to DIN-ISO standards.

    For connecting the RaceChip Chiptuning electronics only original motor vehicle plugs are used.

    Mehrleistung für zahlreiche Fahrzeugmodelle.Wir testen sie auf dem Leistungsprüfstrand
    Works with most vehicles:

    With our modern digital technology it is also possible to use this RaceChip Chiptuning for other common-rail diesel vehicles. Assumed that you are driving a BMW 330d today but a Mercedes Sprinter tomorrow or even a Fiat Ducato caravan superstructure the the very next day, all you need then, is another plug.
    We supply these plugs at a favourable price, too.

    Would you like to learn more about the easy installation? Watch our video!
    Individually adjustable:

    We supply your RaceChip Chiptuning in optimum condition recommended by us. We ensure an ideal combination of increased power, increased torque and fuel saving.

    Under the same operating conditions the service life of your motor remains the same as under serial condition. RaceChip Chiptunings do not at all damage your motor, as we don’t push the boundary to the extremes but to a reasonable extent. Nevertheless, by individual adjustments our customers can increase or reduce the RaceChip performance on their own – whatever you like!

    Pentru mai multe informatii Tel. 0747665756 sau YM. bubu_quicksilver

    Pret 100 euro.
    Attached Files
    1.6 16V

  • #2
    1.6 16V


    • #3
      Valabil !
      Se poate pune si peste remapare.....
      1.6 16V


      • #4
        Imi poti spune pe ce dci a fost montat si de ce a fost desfacut (se vede la suruburi). Multumesc


        • #5
          Ai ceva concret(un garafic Dino de pe masina pe care a fost pus)care sa demonstreze ce scrie in specificatii?
          Team CSR
          Logan Club CLUJ


          • #6
            Lexani- A fost pus pe un dci de 70 cp si a fost desfacut pentru setari.
            Are in interior posibilitatea de a se regla dupa cum doresti.

            Fastfurious- Nu am dyno dar se simte diferenta. A fost pus peste remapare si rezultatele sunt clare (vezi
            Attached Files
            Last edited by CataLOL; 22 May 2011, 17:38.
            1.6 16V


            • #7
              Din cate am inteles daca pui powerbox, nu mai conteaza daca ai sau nu remaparea deoarece masina va merge dupa datele date de powerbox.


              • #8
                Pe site apar doua variante una normala si una racechip pro. Care dintre ele este acesta? Cati km a facut masina care a avut powerbox-ul, cum se simte diferenta,care au fost problemele... de ce se vinde?


                • #9
                  si in afara ca o poti scoate cand doresti ce alte avantaje are fata de remapare?
                  se poate pune pe un dieselar de 85 cp? (ala cu i rosu)


                  • #10
                    Lexani- Daca te uiti atent la poze vezi ca acesta e varianta RaceChip Pro.Varianta Pro are capetele galbene iar cel simplu e negru complet
                    Am deja peste 70.000 Km facuti cu powerboxul+remapare,nu am nici cea mai mica problema si se simte din plin mai ales la sprinturi,e un atu in plus fata de cei care au numai remapare,se vede cu ochiul liber cum pleci de langa adversar cand intra chipul
                    Masina urmeaza sa se vanda si de asta vand si eu powerboxul.

                    Nicu_rcn- Intra si tu pe si vezi acolo la varianta Pro tot ce te intereseaza.
                    Powerboxul se poate pune pe orice motor dCI numai sa se potriveasca mufele (pe dCI 85 cp merge fara probleme)
                    Last edited by CataLOL; 23 May 2011, 00:52.
                    1.6 16V


                    • #11
                      "Nu am dyno dar se simte diferenta. A fost pus peste remapare si rezultatele sunt clare (vezi"
                      Ce scrie acolo ii in carti, dar noi traim in realitate.
                      Voiam sa vad concret ce inbunatateste nu ce se simte.
                      Team CSR
                      Logan Club CLUJ


                      • #12
                        FastFurious uite aici o dovada ca nu vorbesc din carti.....
                        RaceChip e firma serioasa in Germania !
                        Tunerul german RaceChip a pregătit două kituri care modifică performanţele motorului 1.5 dCi de 110 cai putere al SUV-ului românesc Dacia Duster.
                        1.6 16V


                        • #13
                          Anunt valabil !
                          1.6 16V


                          • #14
                            1.6 16V


                            • #15
                              Cand si-au facut baietii remapare au dat banul si nu au mai intrebat de grafice, dyno... au crezut ca trage motorul mai tare si consuma mai putin si gata!
                              De asta au popii atatia bani, ca poporul roman e credincios...
                              ON: Succes la vanzare B1zar!


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