Please help us,how can use power window
Power Window Installation
My window powered with electric and my car have remote key (logan E2)
i want add power window that when i lock my car doors with remote key automaticly close all window
i have power window kit but i cant use it
i need , how get trigger from UCH to install power window
thanks for your help
You must switch the +12V signal from the signal Vbatt_after_ignition to Vbatt_permanent. Then i suggest you to use a 555 or 556 timer circuit and a power MOSFET driver to close the windows when you lock the car. If you need, i can provide you the electrical diagram of dacia logan gasoline versions, so you can have a look and design a small "windows close" moduleDemocratia nu inseamna ca faci ce vrei, ci ca ai dreptul sa faci ceea ce trebuie.
I will send you the scematics, but they are in romanian. I have to translate at least the titles so you can understand what to look at. It will take some time...
the full service manual (in romanian) was available for download here.Check if it's working, i can't, because at work i don't have access to that site.Democratia nu inseamna ca faci ce vrei, ci ca ai dreptul sa faci ceea ce trebuie.