Happy New Year 2009 for our neighbours!
Greetings from Moscow
Who makes such details?
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eu as zice sa incercam sa postam cat de cat in engleza, ca altfel uite ce iese...
pt unul care stie engleza e deductibila ideea postului, dar pt unul care nu intelege bine...oare ce pricepe omul respectiv?
Originally posted by mrfler View PostHi welcome among us ... I tried to do on a user-www.logan club.ru but because they do not know Russian we had a success. anyway congratulations for a car that you
"bine-ai venit in mijlocul nostru desi el are un an alaturi de noi...eu am incercat sa fac pe un user www.loganclub.ru. sa-l faca la buzunare sau sa-l "fucka"!? dar din cauza ca ei nu cunosc limba rusa wtf!? rusii vorbesc cumva hindu!?, noi am avut succes la femei??ca user am senzatia ca nu v-ati/ti-ai facut. oricum felicitari pt o masina pe care tu"...pe care tu...hic!Last edited by Seba; 14 January 2009, 11:04.Democratia nu inseamna ca faci ce vrei, ci ca ai dreptul sa faci ceea ce trebuie.
Would like to read transfer of that you have written. The address Logan of club in Russia http://www.logan-club.ru, instead of www.loganclub.ru.
don't worry, cubik, it's nothing related with our discussions, just a thing that i asked our romanian colleagues, to try to post in english as much sa possible in accordance with the english grammar rules, because some expressions can be mistranslated and this could lead to wrong interpretation, especially between people which are not native english, for example romanians and russians (in fact what i have done was to translate in romanian the "english" post of @mrfler).Last edited by Seba; 14 January 2009, 11:05.Democratia nu inseamna ca faci ce vrei, ci ca ai dreptul sa faci ceea ce trebuie.