PS: Mama ce masini depaseste...
Logan 2.0L si 200hp
De observat ca are padele pentru schimbarea vitezelor.
PS: Iar au tunat un Ambiance.
nu are padele, are cutie secventiala cu schimbator gen wrc
@andrei nu are nici o importanta ca e ambiance, pt ca masina e de curse, deci cu cat are mai putine prostii pe ea cu atat e mai usoara, asta e ideia sa fie cat mai usoara, oricum masina e profi, as vrea sa aflu mai multe informatii despre ea
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Again however the combination of a Cup Logan with the engine of a Clio is R-S. Because more than 87 HP Renault confesses than entrance racers to the positioned Cup Logan not too. There f?einen Renault H?ler from the Eifelst?chen Adenau action need saw. That seized thus under the hood of a verunfallten Renault Clio R-S and transplanted its two-litre Auger under the hood of a Cup Logan.
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Serienm?g carries out the Clio Vierzylinder for 179 HP, with sport air cleaner and sport exhaust brings it the propellant charge now on approximately 200 HP. The new engine drives the notchback small car on a H?stgeschwindigkleit of approximately 210 km/h. Thus it precedes on the north loop z?g, a round time of under nine minutes is in any case in it.Pentru a evita imposibilitatea resetarii parolei pe forum, userii cu adresa de sunt rugati sa activeze o alta adresa de mail, diferita de