!!! audio car !!!

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  • !!! audio car !!!

    cam ce pot face 4Fi dintr-o masinuta !!!

    4 Fi BTL 18s in my Ford Expedition. 8 Sundown SAZ-1500Ds, 10 Kinetik HC2400s, 300amp alternator. Complete destruction.

    Heres my car since a few of you asked to see it in coments on some of the videos of friends rides. 2006 Ford Expedition with 4 Fi BTL 18s, 8 Sundown Audio SA...
    LOCUL1 140.6dB-LOCUL2 138.9dB
    LOCUL2 140.1dB-LOCUL2 Mini1000 141.9dB (newCID)
    LOCUL1 143.9dB (nCID)

  • #2
    Se dezmembreaza masina daca lasa o melodie.
    LOGAN--> <--TOYOTA


    • #3
      din ciclul: cum sa-ti faci masina tandari fara s-o accidentezi...
      If everything seems under control, you`re just not going fast enough...


      • #4
        melodia e de pe usb ca sa nu sara discu ))
        cautati si ceva JL audio un 13w7 pe youtube.. sa vedeti ce pot si alea
        turbo makes torque and torque makes fun

        LowGun-ul meu:http://www.loganclub.ro/forum/lowgun...?t=2081&page=5


        • #5
          Ala are acolo masaj frate ,doamne daca vrei sa-ti vezi creierii pe pereti inchide-te acolo si asculta o melodie si o sa te gasesca lumea cu creierii imprastiati .
          "cromul este placerea mea"
          "cui nu-i place , valea"


          • #6
            ce om ... vb lu @dan.gutu daca lasa toata melodia se dezmembreaza masina


            • #7
              Ua da fac |
              Cred ca nici un surub din Ford'u ala nu mai e strans calumea :|
              fara linkuri externe in semnatura


              • #8
                Vibro masaj
                tare de tot


                • #9

                  Young Ren tha Muddville King Tryin out his new beats in my tahoe..That shit was SLAPPIN......hit up the link at the end and buy it! Its a must have if you h...

                  if you know me you know not a weekend goes by without getting some good footage. Check out B-La (Legit) and Short Dog rippin my truck apart this weekend on ...

                  this weekend the world famous "Big Oki" from Germany came to Sacramento to see my rides/projects....shot some video before he took off. He films everything,...

                  luati-le pe rand ) as fi curios cum s-ar auzi masina aia live ,si cum ai simti bass-u in masina


                  • #10
                    HAM vbeste cu baiatu sa iti puna si tie pe logan ))
                    fara linkuri externe in semnatura


                    • #11
                      Daca mi le-ar da pe gratis ,le-as accepta cu placere da nu prea i-as da maxim ca tot ar sari din ,si de pe masina


                      • #12
                        Uitati-va la biata masina cum face si are decat 2 bucati
                        2 15" GZ Plutonium subwoofers powered off of 2 SPl Dynamics D5's.
                        sigpic........restul e NoSpeedLimit


                        • #13
                          GZ sunt prea smekere ;)
                          fara linkuri externe in semnatura


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