Originally posted by cristi....
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eu zic ca au scos martoru de temp lichid racire pt ca la logan 1 invariabil, la un moment dat, aveai jocu ala de pavele 4-2-4 pe care nu-l puteai rezolva nicicum: nici cu sonde schimbate nici cu termostate. asa ca decat sa-si faca utilizatoru probleme inutile l-au scos si cu asta basta, nu mai esti stresat ![Grin2](https://www.loganclub.ro/forum/core/images/smiley/grin2.png)
legat de parametrii pe care ii ia in calcul ”senzoru” de calitate ulei, acestia ar fi nr de porniri/ temp motorului, turatii, viteza rulare, sarcina pe motor etc. daca vreti sa nu va uzati uleiu prematur dezactivati prostia aia de start-stop
nu e nici un secret, info astea sunt deja fumate demult
”Algorithm-based oil indicators measure lots of factors and then plug the resulting numbers into a formula. Based on the answer to this complex, ongoing math problem, the indicator display will tell you whether the oil is OK, is close to requiring replacement or needs replacing immediately.
Interestingly, with these types of indicators, there are no sensors to detect the quality of the oil itself. Instead they combine data on how many miles you've driven, the temperature variations during that time and data about how much work the engine has performed. Typically, the indicator (monitoring system) will receive such data from the powertrain control module, or PCM, which is the main on-board computer. Engineers have figured out a fairly accurate and reliable way to calculate the remaining oil life this way, without having to actually sample the oil.
nu e masurare directa, e o estimare bazata pe un algoritm![Smile](https://www.loganclub.ro/forum/core/images/smiley/smile.gif)
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mi se pare mie sau loganu asta 2 are mai multe probleme decat generatie precedenta?
mai merita asumat riscu cu noul model? intrebare adresata posesorilor de logan 2, in special celor cu motor de 1.2/0.9
de 0.9 n-am citit multe lucruri de rau, de 1.2 insa da
ca posesor de logan 1 sunt f multumit de fiabilitatea acestui model, insa citind threadu asta imi dau seama ca logan 2 e sub logan 1 la aspectu asta, de altfel cel mai imp la o masina din pct meu de vedere
legat de parametrii pe care ii ia in calcul ”senzoru” de calitate ulei, acestia ar fi nr de porniri/ temp motorului, turatii, viteza rulare, sarcina pe motor etc. daca vreti sa nu va uzati uleiu prematur dezactivati prostia aia de start-stop
C6 Corvette General Discussion - What does "Oil life remaining - XX%" really mean? - Hi Folks, Doing an oil change on my 2009 C6...the change oil message came on. I've read the excellent oil change pdf here. My question is, what does 100% remaining oil life typically mean? 10,000 miles? 5,000 miles? 3,000 miles? etc....
nu e nici un secret, info astea sunt deja fumate demult
”Algorithm-based oil indicators measure lots of factors and then plug the resulting numbers into a formula. Based on the answer to this complex, ongoing math problem, the indicator display will tell you whether the oil is OK, is close to requiring replacement or needs replacing immediately.
Interestingly, with these types of indicators, there are no sensors to detect the quality of the oil itself. Instead they combine data on how many miles you've driven, the temperature variations during that time and data about how much work the engine has performed. Typically, the indicator (monitoring system) will receive such data from the powertrain control module, or PCM, which is the main on-board computer. Engineers have figured out a fairly accurate and reliable way to calculate the remaining oil life this way, without having to actually sample the oil.
nu e masurare directa, e o estimare bazata pe un algoritm
on topic
mi se pare mie sau loganu asta 2 are mai multe probleme decat generatie precedenta?
mai merita asumat riscu cu noul model? intrebare adresata posesorilor de logan 2, in special celor cu motor de 1.2/0.9
de 0.9 n-am citit multe lucruri de rau, de 1.2 insa da
ca posesor de logan 1 sunt f multumit de fiabilitatea acestui model, insa citind threadu asta imi dau seama ca logan 2 e sub logan 1 la aspectu asta, de altfel cel mai imp la o masina din pct meu de vedere
Ti se pare tie.