Diagnoza Si Activari Functii Cu Clip Si DDT4ALL

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  • Originally posted by krauser View Post
    Ma intereseaza un Clip
    Why not invest in a small CLIP and a good ELM327 interface?


    • Plus it's dedicated Logan, exactly what our colleague needs, very easy to install and use.
      Thank you very much for this good program, respect and all the best!


      • Originally posted by eastcowboy View Post

        Why not invest in a small CLIP and a good ELM327 interface?
        Thanks for the reply! The idea behind purchasing a CAN Clip clone was to have more advanced diagnostics in case the car decides to break down again. As I've said in my previous post, I already have a small OBD scanner, but it couldn't connect to the car when it broke down last week, so I wanted something more capable that would at least allow me to find the possible fault.

        I suspect it's the LPG switch (since pressing it a couple of times fixed the problem) and I already bought a replacement, but I'd like to keep a good scan tool in the car and avoid any towing fees if possible. I'll look into getting an ELM327 as well, but I'm more interested in the CAN Clip and which type to buy ("Gold" PCB with the QC chip or Green PCB with the SC chip).

        Btw, is this considered a good ELM327 interface?
        Attached Files
        Last edited by 77sky; 8 February 2021, 20:50.


        • Originally posted by krauser View Post

          Btw, is this considered a good ELM327 interface?
          If the interface is already available, you will find the answer in the Elm test program integrated in the software.
          If you want to buy an interface, pay attention to these criteria https://cvtz50.info/en/elm327/


          • Originally posted by eastcowboy View Post

            Why not invest in a small CLIP and a good ELM327 interface?
            Cum se deschide arhiva care e un fisier .exe? Daca dau dublu click pe fisier imi da eroare, trebuie un program special?

            How can I open the .exe file? It seems to be an archive. If I double click on it I got an error message, do I need a special program?

            Merci! / Thanks!


            • Incearca pe laptop.


              • Pe laptop am incercat.


                • Originally posted by emilian_rks View Post
                  If I double click on it I got an error message,
                  Only you see the error message, because you not showing a screenshot. A Windows operating system with 32 bit support is required to run the installation file.
                  Last edited by eastcowboy; 10 February 2021, 23:13.


                  • Solved!
                    I had to enable 32 bit applications in Win7.
                    Thank you!


                    • Pentru cine doreste am urcat o baza de date pentru ddt4all din 07.2020 full (284 Mb, 3415 fisiere, mi-a luat ceva timp conversia ei ) pe: https://gofile.io/d/LoLtE7
                      Toate cele bune!


                      • Baza ddt4all din februarie 2021(289 Mb, 3479 fisiere, cu 64 mai multe decat cea pe care am transformat-o in postul precedent), compilata de un alt user pentru care am tot respectul, toate multumirile merg catre 66GUA, pe: https://gofile.io/d/MfTp9e
                        Arhiva se redenumeste in ecu.zip si se pune in locatiile corespunzatoare.


                        • Originally posted by Gil26 View Post
                          Pentru cine doreste am urcat scheme electrice Logan pe: https://gofile.io/d/qXvvUz
                          Se citeste readme.txt, pentru Logan\SanderoII este NT8703 (2015), se dezarhiveaza si se lanseaza NT8703\ENG\HTM\ENTREE.html (se poate crea si un shortcut). Atasat cateva capturi.
                          In arhiva am pus si ultima versiune PyClip2.2 a lui Marianpol, toate multumirile merg catre el (si lucreaza la dezvoltarea PyRen).
                          Si Cedric Paille a lansat un nou release ddt4all sub Python3, mai este de lucru dar e bine ca se dezvolta in continuare.
                          mai le vreau si eu pls....linkul nu mai e valabil.


                          • M-ar interesa și pe mine, am cautat peste tot schemele electrice astea... Multumesc anticipat!


                            • Pentru cine doreste am urcat din nou schemele electrice pe: https://gofile.io/d/NeJBws
                              Baza de date pentru PyRen compilata din CanClipV205, full Dacia\Renault (a durat cateva ore), am pus si arhiva pyrendata_205.zip prelucrata pentru PyClip, pe: https://gofile.io/d/ZMBuo3


                              • Mulțam fain! Nu știu de unde ești, da' când trec pe acolo, dau o bere! ;)


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