Montare Modul Inchidere Centralizata

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  • #76
    You should check that the white and black/white wires are connected correct.
    EHI socket is made from 2 parts: brown and green.
    Brown is counted from A1 to A20 and this is where you find the wires for controlling the lock (orange) and unlock (pink).
    Orange and orange/black should not be used. Usually, I remove them entirely.
    Black, yellow and yellow/black should be connected to ground
    Red to +12V permanent
    For attention lights, the brown wires from the module should be connected to A8 and A9 . The P1 connector also has 2 parts: white and black. A8 & 9 are in the white part.


    • #77
      Originally posted by danielliviu View Post
      You should check that the white and black/white wires are connected correct.
      EHI socket is made from 2 parts: brown and green.
      Brown is counted from A1 to A20 and this is where you find the wires for controlling the lock (orange) and unlock (pink).
      Orange and orange/black should not be used. Usually, I remove them entirely.
      Black, yellow and yellow/black should be connected to ground
      Red to +12V permanent
      For attention lights, the brown wires from the module should be connected to A8 and A9 . The P1 connector also has 2 parts: white and black. A8 & 9 are in the white part.

      Where exactly should I put the wires red, black, yellow, black?

      Thank you very much.


      • #78
        The best thibg is to connect them to battery:
        red = + 12V,
        black (yellow, yellow/black) = -12V


        • #79
          Originally posted by danielliviu View Post
          You should check that the white and black/white wires are connected correct.
          EHI socket is made from 2 parts: brown and green.
          Brown is counted from A1 to A20 and this is where you find the wires for controlling the lock (orange) and unlock (pink).
          Orange and orange/black should not be used. Usually, I remove them entirely.
          Black, yellow and yellow/black should be connected to ground
          Red to +12V permanent
          For attention lights, the brown wires from the module should be connected to A8 and A9 . The P1 connector also has 2 parts: white and black. A8 & 9 are in the white part.
          Hello again,

          I checked everything according to instructions given to me.

          I tried to locate the cables of EHI, as comets are divided into two brown and green, the problem is that all I get is "Black EHI" and nothing shows more. I tried to locate the cables according to the colors that I've mentioned Pink and Orange, but I have several cables of the same color.
          Attached I send you some pictures to see if you can help me.

          Thank you very much again.
          Attached Files


          • #80
            As you can see in the picture you take, inside the black socket there are 2 halfs - one green and one brown.
            If you take out the black socket by releasing the lever, than you can take out also the brown half you need.
            Attached Files


            • #81
              Originally posted by danielliviu View Post
              As you can see in the picture you take, inside the black socket there are 2 halfs - one green and one brown.
              If you take out the black socket by releasing the lever, than you can take out also the brown half you need.
              Hi good afternoon,

              I've done it! Thank you very much.

              Now I only put the engine in the trunk lock and making it work perhaps with the release button is inside the car (the same one that opens and closes the door) ... Any ideas??



              • #82
                You can use the button on you remote control. The unit you just installed can control the unlock motor for the trunk.
                You can read here more about this.


                • #83
                  In primul rand multumesc pentru toate schemele de montare a kitului pentru cheile briceag.
                  Am un Sandero Ambiance 1,4, daca imi instalez kitul respectiv o sa pierd garantia?


                  • #84
                    daca montezi tu posibil sa faca aia urat ,depinde
                    daca se constata un defect in/din urma montarii inchiderii o pierzi sigur
                    mai bine montezi la ei(reprezentanta) daca tii la garantia masinii
                    Last edited by romeo-alex; 13 May 2011, 01:02.


                    • #85
                      salut,a mai montat cineva modelelu urmator de chei?am atasat ma jos si modelul si schema de montaj.Am vazut ca in posturile anterioare explica o schema ca aceasuta Domnul Danielliviu,dar din pacate aceqsta nu este functionala,am incertacat pe mai multe module si nu reusesc pe niciunu din ele.Mai stie cineva ceva despre modelul asta?multumesc anticipat
                      Attached Files
                      Viteza Ucide ... Conduceti cu prudenta !!!


                      • #86
                        Pot sa sustin faptul ca am montat mai mult de 10 - 15 unitati de acest tip si toate sunt functionale.
                        Bineinteles, montate conform indicatiilor date si pe forum. Poate gresesti undeva...


                        • #87
                          Intr-un final am reusit sa descopar gresala.Acum functioneaza in totalitate.
                          Multumesc din nou Danielliviu pentru raspuns si pentru promptitudine.
                          Viteza Ucide ... Conduceti cu prudenta !!!


                          • #88
                            Macar spune si ce greseala era, poate se mai intampla si la altcineva si nu isi da seama.


                            • #89
                              Nu am legat modulul pe masina,l-am incercat cu un transformator de eu credeam ca pe firele alb si alb/negru da semnal +,si aici gresala,pe acele fire modulul da semnal -.
                              Viteza Ucide ... Conduceti cu prudenta !!!


                              • #90
                                Am cumparat o inchidere briceag Thunder, vreau sa o pun pe masina....DAR nu vreau sa ma leg in unitatea centrala de inchidere a masinii. Prcatic, vreau sa leg modulul la curent si sa pun un acuator in paralel cu inchiderea masinii.
                                Imi puteti spune care dintre fire trebuie legate la acuator ?
                                Attached Files


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