pai pe mine asta ma interesa , era clar ca nu e acelasi sunet ca si pe benzina oricum multam de info
Un mic sfat pentru un incepator -Toba
Acu nu mai stiu ce sa cred!Am dat azi de un taximetrist are si el un 1.5 dci si cu toba sport si nu se prea aude ...oare daca o remapez se aude?Bart: I am through with working. Working is for chumps.
Homer: Son, I'm proud of you! I was twice your age when I figured that out.
O remapez si o las asa mai pun nici o toba daca nu se aude nu se merita investitia , merci csebalyn de info.Bart: I am through with working. Working is for chumps.
Homer: Son, I'm proud of you! I was twice your age when I figured that out.