Eh uite ca daca nu intelegi tu cum tot se poate intampla. Ia un bec cu filament vechi, cumpara acelasi model si schimba-le. Si sa vezi minune ca alea noi lumineaza mai bine.
Wolframul de pe filament se evapora si se depune pe peretii becului. Halogenul ajuta in prevenirea procesului dar nu e infailibil.
sau in engleza "Bits of the filament fly off when incandescing; some of it returns to the filament but not in the same place it left, which results in dendritic growths on the filament. This diminishes the intensity over time because the dendritic portions don't glow as well as when they were part of the original filament. Thin spots appear, and eventually it's over for that filament."
Wolframul de pe filament se evapora si se depune pe peretii becului. Halogenul ajuta in prevenirea procesului dar nu e infailibil.
sau in engleza "Bits of the filament fly off when incandescing; some of it returns to the filament but not in the same place it left, which results in dendritic growths on the filament. This diminishes the intensity over time because the dendritic portions don't glow as well as when they were part of the original filament. Thin spots appear, and eventually it's over for that filament."