Forumul Creeaza Dependenta ?

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  • sunt primul dependent din lista si ma mandresc
    sigpic #


    • 1 adimrv 96.7% 18th February 2009 - 21:14 5689
      2 valeriuciprian 96.5% 9th June 2007 - 05:44 7720
      3 Narcisuc20 88.8% 7th March 2010 - 22:56 922
      4 CataFOF 84.1% 21st June 2007 - 13:23 4874
      5 PCH 83.5% 27th January 2009 - 17:14 2526
      6 Bleizer 83.2% 17th January 2010 - 21:03 4355
      7 darksid3 76.6% 2nd February 2008 - 19:00 8116
      8 aviatorul76 75.5% 24th December 2009 - 21:59 690
      9 kenjiro_sanga 74.0% 2nd March 2008 - 09:13 7163
      10 jelly 73.8% 27th December 2008 - 21:42 1330
      11 grutzz 73.7% 22nd July 2009 - 18:34 1088
      12 matheo66c 73.6% 21st May 2007 - 23:32 1728
      13 DISSSEL 70.6% 23rd February 2009 - 12:31 2941
      14 dany_uhp 70.3% 30th April 2010 - 15:27 868
      15 nicu_rcn 69.8% 23rd September 2010 - 19:35 983
      16 aleXpeed 68.9% 7th September 2008 - 00:06 2965
      17 Augustin-Yng 68.4% 26th October 2008 - 15:03 3101
      18 Eu4yas 68.1% 7th December 2008 - 22:08 2385
      19 Loganu 67.6% 7th March 2008 - 23:09 3217
      20 costelHD 64.9% 17th March 2009 - 19:03 3550

      Locul 3


      • top, cei mai sprinteni 20 in Logan Club Romania

        1 adimrv 96.7% 18th February 2009 - 21:14 5689
        2 valeriuciprian 96.5% 9th June 2007 - 05:44 7720
        3 Narcisuc20 88.8% 7th March 2010 - 22:56 924
        4 CataFOF 84.1% 21st June 2007 - 13:23 4874
        5 PCH 83.5% 27th January 2009 - 17:14 2526
        6 Bleizer 83.2% 17th January 2010 - 21:03 4356
        7 darksid3 76.6% 2nd February 2008 - 19:00 8117
        8 aviatorul76 75.5% 24th December 2009 - 21:59 690
        9 kenjiro_sanga 74.0% 2nd March 2008 - 09:13 7163
        10 jelly 73.8% 27th December 2008 - 21:42 1330
        11 grutzz 73.7% 22nd July 2009 - 18:34 1088
        12 matheo66c 73.6% 21st May 2007 - 23:32 1728
        13 DISSSEL 70.6% 23rd February 2009 - 12:31 2941
        14 dany_uhp 70.3% 30th April 2010 - 15:27 868
        15 nicu_rcn 69.8% 23rd September 2010 - 19:35 988
        16 aleXpeed 68.9% 7th September 2008 - 00:06 2967
        17 Augustin-Yng 68.4% 26th October 2008 - 15:03 3102
        18 Eu4yas 68.1% 7th December 2008 - 22:08 2385
        19 Loganu 67.6% 7th March 2008 - 23:09 3217
        20 costelHD 64.9% 17th March 2009 - 19:03 3550

        Narciule, vin din urma, te prind si iti tai fata, sunt mai dependent decat tine
        lipsa text


        • Nu ai cum frate numai daca imi taie astia net-ul dar nici atunci


          • oricum, vin din urma, sunt competent, dependent si imbatabil
            lipsa text


            • Vi din urma dar tot in urma mea o sa ramai


              • pai tu esti dependent de zaruri, eu sunt dependent de forum
                lipsa text


                • Invidiaaaaa

                  1 adimrv 96.7% 18th February 2009 - 21:14 5703
                  2 valeriuciprian 93.2% 9th June 2007 - 05:44 7721
                  3 Narcisuc20 89.9% 7th March 2010 - 22:56 934
                  4 CataFOF 86.1% 21st June 2007 - 13:23 4892
                  5 Bleizer 84.6% 17th January 2010 - 21:03 4399
                  6 PCH 83.1% 27th January 2009 - 17:14 2531
                  7 darksid3 76.0% 2nd February 2008 - 19:00 8120
                  8 grutzz 74.8% 22nd July 2009 - 18:34 1096
                  9 matheo66c 74.6% 21st May 2007 - 23:32 1738
                  10 kenjiro_sanga 74.6% 2nd March 2008 - 09:13 7188
                  11 aviatorul76 73.8% 24th December 2009 - 21:59 691
                  12 DISSSEL 71.1% 23rd February 2009 - 12:31 2950
                  13jelly 71.0% 27th December 2008 - 21:42 1330
                  14 nicu_rcn 70.1% 23rd September 2010 - 19:35 1010
                  15 dany_uhp 68.4% 30th April 2010 - 15:27 871
                  16 aleXpeed 68.2% 7th September 2008 - 00:06 2970
                  17 Eu4yas 67.6% 7th December 2008 - 22:08 2385
                  18 Augustin-Yng 67.6% 26th October 2008 - 15:03 3106
                  19 costelHD 66.8% 17th March 2009 - 19:03 3558
                  20 Loganu 66.7% 7th March 2008 - 23:09 3221

                  3 Mafioti in top 20! Cat de curand punem stapanire pe forum
                  Last edited by Narcisuc20; 7 February 2011, 01:37. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                  • Dependenta totala ci nu fatala

                    1 adimrv 96.7% 18th February 2009 - 21:14 5703
                    2 valeriuciprian 93.2% 9th June 2007 - 05:44 7721
                    3 Narcisuc20 89.9% 7th March 2010 - 22:56 936
                    4 CataFOF 86.1% 21st June 2007 - 13:23 4893
                    5 Bleizer 84.6% 17th January 2010 - 21:03 4400
                    6 PCH 83.1% 27th January 2009 - 17:14 2531
                    7 darksid3 76.0% 2nd February 2008 - 19:00 8120
                    8 grutzz 74.8% 22nd July 2009 - 18:34 1096
                    9 matheo66c 74.6% 21st May 2007 - 23:32 1738
                    10 kenjiro_sanga 74.6% 2nd March 2008 - 09:13 7189
                    11 aviatorul76 73.8% 24th December 2009 - 21:59 691
                    12 DISSSEL 71.1% 23rd February 2009 - 12:31 2950
                    13 jelly 71.0% 27th December 2008 - 21:42 1330
                    14 nicu_rcn 70.1% 23rd September 2010 - 19:35 1010
                    15 dany_uhp 68.4% 30th April 2010 - 15:27 871
                    16 aleXpeed 68.2% 7th September 2008 - 00:06 2970
                    17 Eu4yas 67.6% 7th December 2008 - 22:08 2385
                    18 Augustin-Yng 67.6% 26th October 2008 - 15:03 3106
                    19 costelHD 66.8% 17th March 2009 - 19:03 3558
                    20 Loganu 66.7% 7th March 2008 - 23:09 3221

                    deci Matheo ne prinde din urma cu 40% fier, 40% chit si 10% smd-uri

                    Narciule, te elerg frate pana la Deva

                    sunt dependent si-mi pare bine
                    lipsa text


                    • O sa te astepte mafiotii la intrare in Deva pregatiti asa ca ai grija ce iti doresti


                      • Da invers de la coada cu mai putina activitate nu faceti?Poate asa ma incadrez si eu la primul de la coada.
                        Welcome to the Club, We Have Jackets !


                        • pai poti sa scrii si tu...sunt dependentul din coada
                          lipsa text


                          • Sunt dependent si ma numesc adrian
                            sigpic #


                            • 1 adimrv 96.7% 18th February 2009 - 21:14 5716
                              2 Narcisuc20 91.3% 7th March 2010 - 22:56 952
                              3 valeriuciprian 90.6% 9th June 2007 - 05:44 7724
                              4 CataFOF 86.1% 21st June 2007 - 13:23 4915
                              5 Bleizer 86.0% 17th January 2010 - 21:03 4489
                              6 PCH 83.1% 27th January 2009 - 17:14 2550
                              7 kenjiro_sanga 76.3% 2nd March 2008 - 09:13 7220
                              8 darksid3 76.0% 2nd February 2008 - 19:00 8136
                              9 grutzz 75.0% 22nd July 2009 - 18:34 1102
                              10 matheo66c 73.7% 21st May 2007 - 23:32 1742
                              11 aviatorul76 73.0% 24th December 2009 - 21:59 698
                              12 DISSSEL 71.9% 23rd February 2009 - 12:31 2956
                              13 nicu_rcn 70.0% 23rd September 2010 - 19:35 1016
                              14 costelHD 69.2% 17th March 2009 - 19:03 3575
                              15 Augustin-Yng 68.9% 26th October 2008 - 15:03 3114
                              16 Eu4yas 68.2% 7th December 2008 - 22:08 2412
                              17 jelly 68.0% 27th December 2008 - 21:42 1330
                              18 dany_uhp 67.4% 30th April 2010 - 15:27 874
                              19 aleXpeed 67.3% 7th September 2008 - 00:06 2977
                              20 Loganu 66.2% 7th March 2008 - 23:09 3227

                              Locul 2 Adi cat de curand o sa te detronez
                              Dependent convins 100%


                              • re vin la realitate ...eram pe locul 3 cu ceva timp in urma)))
                                Nimeni nu e destul de inteligent ca sa poata convinge pe un prost ca e


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