Ultimul Film Vazut.

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  • Blades of Glory 8/10 - au fost cateva faze la care am ras cu lacrimi
    Star Wars 4 si 5- 8/10 ambele
    Night Crawler 9/10 - Jake Gyllenhaal e genial, pana acum absolut toate filmele care le-am vazut cu el mi-au placut, asta e peste medie.
    Dumb and Dumber To 5/10 - glume expirate, pierdere de timp
    Pe luneta mea sta semnu de la ''naic'' bine lipit


    • Imi recomanda si mie cineva un horror bun? Eventual ceva cu actiune, gen : you'r next, 30 days of night.
      MY CLA


      • The Evil Dead 1 si 2, alea vechi, nu remake-ul.
        Pe luneta mea sta semnu de la ''naic'' bine lipit


        • pentru colegul PRESTIGE:

          texas chainsaw massacre (unde mai pui ca e bazat si pe fapte reale) 1 2 3

          Based loosely on true events. A group of friends who become isolated in the company of a deadly clan of cannibals. MPAA Rating: R COPYRIGHT MMIII NEW LINE ...

          wrong turn primele 3

          descent 1 si 2 (f bun)
          In Theaters: December 4 2009 (UK)Distraught, confused, and half-wild with fear, Sarah Carter emerges alone from the Appalachian cave system where she encount...

          the lost tribe- iar f bun

          Last edited by cristi....; 7 March 2015, 19:12.


          • initial am crezut ca-i blonda asta:
            Uita-te la Paranoia daca iti place blonda aia.

            John Wick-7/10, 3 camioane de gloante a tras Keanu.
            Last edited by mr.K; 8 March 2015, 19:05. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


            • black sea

              mie mi-a placut, ii dau 9+

              Get ready to dive deep. See the trailer for Kevin Macdonald’s submarine thriller BLACK SEA, starring Jude Law. Directed by Academy Award winner Kevin Macdona...


              • Interstelar 7.5

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                Keep walking...


                • 7/10

                  Originally posted by mr.K View Post
                  Uita-te la Paranoia daca iti place blonda aia.
                  Imi place si mie blonda aia, pot sa ma uit si eu?


                  • Imi place si mie blonda aia, pot sa ma uit si eu?
                    Ok. Da' pe rand, nu toti odata.


                    • tigrul alb
                      il gasiti pe youtube si cu subtitrate in romana.

                      nota 8.5


                      • Mielul Shaun - filmul.


                        • panzehir alias antidotul- misto filmul: 10. multe adevaruri/lectii subliminale sau spuse direct are.

                          si inca unul vazut mai demult dar la fel de bun


                          Film Story :Bollywood Actor Armaan Mallik's John Abraham father Kabir Dilip Tahil and who was a equid mortal is smash as Ranvir Singh ( Saif Ali Khan) lost h...

                          indienii astia chiar se pricep la filme

                          si inca unu mai de demult: the man with the iron fists

                          The official red band trailer for Quentin Tarantino's "The Man With The Iron Fists" starring RZA. In feudal China, a blacksmith who makes weapons for a small...

                          jesabelle- f tare

                          #Jessabelle - Starts August 29 Follow JESSABELLE1988 on Snapchat!- http://JessabelleTheMovie.com- http://facebook.com/JessabelleMovie- http://twitter.com/L...

                          si the last but not least : the devils double inspirat din fapte reale, cu saddam & stuff:10+

                          Based on a gripping, unbelievable true story of money, power and opulent decadence, Lionsgate's THE DEVIL'S DOUBLE takes a white-knuckle ride deep into the l...
                          Last edited by cristi....; 15 March 2015, 02:55. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                          • Fasandraeberne-Absentul (2014)-8/10.
                            Cui ii plac filmele politiste nordice, cu faze din viata reala, fara inflorituri americanesti.


                            • Death at a Funeral - 8/10, din partea mea.
                              Demult n-am mai ras asa de bine la o comedie americaneasca. Prima vizionare.


                              • Tot din seria filmelor politiste nordice.

                                Varg Veum-Bitre-blomster (2007) 7.5/10.


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