Ultimul Film Vazut.

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  • Hanna.2011, actiune nota 6
    sigpic #


    • Blitz - Nota 10
      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


      • seria : " mumia " inspirat
        Zilele petrecute la pescuit nu se pun la anii vietii


        • Tucker & Dale vs Evil (2010) comedie neagra )

          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
          Zilele petrecute la pescuit nu se pun la anii vietii


          • Thor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOddp-nlNvQ
            nota 8


            • The entitled[2011]
              Numai bine.
              Un Logan----YNG-----
              Numai bine.


              • Repo Men -2010


                • Colombiana (2011) Official HD Trailer 9/10
                  Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                  • Transformers _The Dark Side of the Moon: Cateva idei interesante despre misiunea Apollo.
                    In fata unei minti tacute, se preda intreg Universul


                    • The One

                      Zilele petrecute la pescuit nu se pun la anii vietii


                      • Fight Club (1999) - super film 10/10

                        In Bruges (2008) - destul de bun 9/10

                        Drive (2011) - slab... nu m-a impresionat. 4/10

                        Fast Five (2011) - un film destul de bun. 8.50/10
                        sigpicI don't want you to think like me, i just want you to think.


                        • >>>

                          Robotropolis. - 6/10 - tema e buna, regie scenariu efecte - lasa de dorit
                          Traim in romania si asta ne ocupa tot timpul.


                          • Memento (2000) - super film - 10/10.
                            sigpicI don't want you to think like me, i just want you to think.


                            • Friends with Benefits 7/10
                              Rise of the Planet of the Apes 8/10
                              Bad Teacher 5/10
                              The Hangover Part II 3/10
                              Hall Pass 7/10
                              sigpicMy black ride....http://www.loganclub.ro/forum/my_83_...5.html?t=42435


                              • Originally posted by vitriol View Post
                                Fight Club (1999) - super film 10/10

                                In Bruges (2008) - destul de bun 9/10

                                Drive (2011) - slab... nu m-a impresionat. 4/10

                                Fast Five (2011) - un film destul de bun. 8.50/10
                                Hmm de acord cu tine .. Fight Club il revad odata pe an In Bruges e mai mult decat ok .. iar Fast Five .. clar e altceva .. l-a intrecut chiar pe primul din 2001 :P dar la Drive nu .. mi s-a parut genial filmul .. lipsa de dialog .. cadre subtile .. mimica .. acting (gen cum o pupa pe tipa aia apoi ii rupe capu' lu' ala in lift) eu ii dau 10 .. cel mai bun film de anu' asta

                                The Tree Of Life - 9 - este un amestec de documentar si drama pus in sanu' familiei si-al credintei .. obligatoriu de vazut
                                Never Let Me Go - 8 - The Island e mic copil pe langa acest film .. ii poate da lectii cu lejeritate .. este un film in care interesele celor multi .. sunt mai presus de dorintele celor putini .. este un film emotionant .. care iti arata cat de mult conteaza dragostea ..
                                Nu conteaza unde ajungi .. ci calatoria pana acolo ..


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