Denumirea pozei e pusa la caterinca sau chiar e Peugeot?
Ghiceste masina
The company was established first by .......... and a partner on November , 18.. with a capital of 30,000 Goldmark at Ehrenfeld, near Cologne. .......... was a former production manager for Karl Benz. Three years later in 19.. he moved with his company to ...... On 1904 he founded the ...... Motorwagen-Werke AG, a joint-stock company in Zwickau/Saxony, an action that he was to later regret. Zwickau was the capital of the South Western Saxon County and one of Saxony's industrial centres at the time.Un om inteligent nu va fi niciodata rau. Rautatea se naste din prostie, inferioritate si frustrare.
da domnu...baga poza urmatoare , daca ai bagat citatul meu in google...iti arata masina ....acu am vazut...pacat....era o masina destul de grea de 'decodat'Un om inteligent nu va fi niciodata rau. Rautatea se naste din prostie, inferioritate si frustrare.
caractere.Attached FilesForum neinteresant. Delogat definitiv.
io zic ca e Chevrolet Corvette Rondine Pininfarina Coupe.Welcome to the Club, We Have Jackets !
ia vedeti acilea:Attached FilesWelcome to the Club, We Have Jackets !