1966 Porsche 906 E
Ghiceste masina
eu incerc sa pun masini cat mai originale.
"the car had air intakes on its sides to cool down the engine in the rear of the vehicle.
All cars featured rear wheel drive (with engine in the rear) and aircooled engines."
si fiind originala , nu o copie dupa fiat poftiti si prototipul in stanga :Attached Fileso/____\o
ZAZ-965 Zaporozhets
ZAZ-965 Zaporozhets model was made between 1960 and 1969. Despite speculations that the design was copied from the Fiat 600 and has a very similar appearance to the Puch 500, ZAZ representatives say the car was an exclusively Soviet design, created by Soviet ZAZ engineers jointly with colleagues from Moscow's NAMI [1] and Moskvitch car plant. First prototypes were designated as Moskvitch-444 [1].
Costi-bc,nu e vorba daca-i originala sau nu,pe mine nu ma deranjeaza.Nu suntem la talcioc.Dar eu nu cred ca designul apartine inginerilor rusi,asta sa le-o spuna lu' mutu.Ce naiba,tocmai in rusi sa avem incredere?Asta ar insemna sa credem ca si chinezii or ceva genii in ale masinilor...si uite asa se duc de rapa adevaratele traditii automobilistice...
Oricum,masina este bine aleasa,felicitari.Last edited by D-FENS; 16 September 2010, 15:32.Forum neinteresant. Delogat definitiv.
Forum neinteresant. Delogat definitiv.