daca casetofonul are iesire preamplificator de 200 w pot monta subwooferul fara amplificator?mai trebuie condensator?
montare subwoofer
Originally posted by SUPERCARfara condensator ai fluctuatii la tensiune,eu zic ca e bine sa ai si un condensator+ o baterie de 70 amperi.
dar merge si fara amplificator?ce condensator trebuie(de cati F)?si face urat cu bateria stock?merci multsigpic........restul e NoSpeedLimit
Originally posted by Beleauagigi-kent schimba poza aia de la avatar ... drepturile de autor si vorbesc foarte serios NU`MI PLACE CA ALTCINEVA SA SE LAUDE CU MUNCA MEA .
nu vezi subiectul care se discuta?exista pm pt nelamuririsigpic........restul e NoSpeedLimit
Originally posted by gigi-kentCd player Panasonic CQ-1001NE
in carte zice asa:
-tensiune iesire preamplificator= 2,5 v
-impedanta preamplificator=200 ohm
in spatele casetofonului am 2 iesiri rca cu left si right
Iesirea de PRE-amplificator este in sine ce ii spune numele, deci ai nevoie de amplificator separat.
Cele 2 mufe RCA le legi la amplificatorul extern, apoi alt cablu la subwoofer.People's problem is not that they are mortal, but that they are suddenly mortal...
Calcul Condensator !!!
Something to consider...this is an example...
To calculate the current draw of an amplifier, multiply the number of channels by the RMS watts per channel (a 2 channel amp rated at 2000 watts RMS per channel would be 4000 watts). Double it to account for amplifier inefficiency (4000 watts X 2 = 8000 watts), then divide by the average output voltage of an alternator, 13.8 volts (8000 divided by 13.8 = 579 amps). Since the average music signal requires about 1/3rd of the average power in a test tone, divide by 3 (579 amps divided by 3 = 193 amps).
This is an average approximation of current draw and can go higher. So I would gather between 194 and 289 amperes for this example.
The alternator of a:
compact car is about 35 amps
mid-sized car is about 65-75 amps
SUV is about 145 amps
Calculate 40% of the amperes of the alternator you have now. This is the average current the car uses when running. Add this number to the approximate average current draw of the amps, and you will come up with the actual size of alternator you need.
If the number you come up with is the same as what your alternator supplies, you need to take no action.
DECI:La un amplif 4x110w(RMS) ar fi:
4x110W(RMS)=440Wx2=880W:13,8v(alternator)=63,7682a mps:3(1/3muzica)=21,256amps
40%din 65amps foloseste masina = =26amps+21,256amps(muzica)=47,3amps
Deci ar merge fara Condensator la o baterie de 65amps !!!!
Sper sa nu fi gresit. Am luat acest calcul de pe un forum acum un an si din pacate nu am retinut numele forumului.
Vin si eu cu o intrebare. Am facut rost de o statie (care vine stock pe Ww-uri) si un subwoofer. Colegul care le-a avut inainte, avea un comutator pentru statie. Cand o uita noaptea deschisa, bateria murea. Dupa ce am vb cu omuletul meu care se pricepe in electro, a spus ca statia ar avea un firicel care se leaga la casetofon astfel incat sa porneasca si sa se inchide la fel ca si cdplayerul. Stiti cumva daca este o astfel de iesire pe playerul de pe Loganul meu - Blaupunktul stock ?