Citez de pe un site din afara Romaniei :
"Kormoran, a Polish tire manufacturer, introduces a relatively new brand on the European market. After Michelin entered Kormoran's ownership structure in 1995, it started a strategic investment program carrying Kormoran to becoming a high-quality, recognized tire brand on the European market. Since April 2000, when it became a developed tire brand, Kormoran sold more than 1,000,000 tires throughout Europe. High quality, very favorable price and high reliability are the main characteristics of Kormoran tires." Am incheiat citatul!
"Kormoran, a Polish tire manufacturer, introduces a relatively new brand on the European market. After Michelin entered Kormoran's ownership structure in 1995, it started a strategic investment program carrying Kormoran to becoming a high-quality, recognized tire brand on the European market. Since April 2000, when it became a developed tire brand, Kormoran sold more than 1,000,000 tires throughout Europe. High quality, very favorable price and high reliability are the main characteristics of Kormoran tires." Am incheiat citatul!